Payroll and HR

We offer wide variety of services related to human resources and payroll, starting from procedures connected with employment of personnel (preparation of contracts, reporting to Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), preparation of other employee documentation required by provisions of law) to services performed during an employment (calculating remuneration, settlements with the Tax Office and Social Insurance Company). We advise how to choose the most appropriate for given type of work, and at the same time the most beneficial for an employer, form of employment. We offer regular counselling on provisions of labour law and support during audits of the Social Insurance Institution or National Labour Inspectorate (PIP).

– preparation of job contracts and all other documents connected with employment of personnel and termination of employment,
– preparation of civil law agreements: contract of mandate, contract for specific work,
– preparation of payroll lists for employees employed on a job contact,
– preparation and submitting tax declarations: tax return (PIT), PFRON and Central Statistical Office (GUS),
– preparation and transferring settlement and report declarations to Social Insurance Institution,
– keeping employee’s personnel files,
– keeping holiday records.